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Public Relations and Marketing
Media Maison New York Based Public Relations Firm

New York Based PR Firm

media maison doesn't bull$hit- who has time for that these days...?


media maison, a public relation firm based in New York, tells it like it is. 

PR without the BS—that's what we do best. 


Does your website content suck? We will tell you, and will fix it! 

Do your photos say "wtf is that?". We will tell you and fix it! 

Is your brand messaging confusing and not clear? We will tell you that too- and help you clarify it. 

Do you have a "wish list" of media outlets you want to be in or on? We will help you get there or tell you why it's never going to happen...

Do you want to work with a PR firm that understand product development, manufacturing and that each sample actually cost REAL money? We get all that AND we also have relationships with big box/specialty retailers and manufacturers who might even get your costs down. 


Is your product or business one of the coolest things we've seen? 

We will scream it from the rooftop...EVEN if you decide to go with another firm. 


media maison knows the lifestyle consumer market and we know that most people spend their time with their faces buried in their phones, deleting messages as they scroll, especially past poorly crafted content that don't apply to them and will never have them hitting the reply button...ever. But we also know how to make them stop and want to know more. 


media maison has a hard-earned, highly guarded, heavy-hitter Rolodex of media professionals who matter and those who don't. media maison pitches stories and segments that those decision makers are looking for. 


Working with media maison means you no longer have to worry about some wannabe "influencer" hounding you for freebies. If you want a celebrity to touch your product, media maison's public relation experts will make sure it's delivered to their home, not some P.O. box in BumF#$@, Nowhere or "oops maybe it got lost in the mail".


You don't have time or disposable money for bull$hit promises that end up nowhere and honestly, neither do we. We work with brands we love, products we would buy and services we would use. We are a partner not just a vendor. We actually give a $hit about our clients and their $$$$ and our work shows that. 


So...if you want results, exposure and are ready to get your brand to the next level- ok, let's get to work.  


If ANY of this offends you, then we aren't the right firm for you. 


Respect. No B.S. Hard work. Results. 

THAT is media maison. 


1460 Broadway
New York, NY 10036



1027 Ocean Center
Kowloon, Hong Kong


2517 Route 44
Salt Point NY 12578



Thanks for submitting!


Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm


Saturday &​ Sunday


we say you can reach us 24/7 but we are really trying out this work/life balance if you can hang until Monday - we'd love ya!


Copyright © 2021 Media Maison - Public Relations & Marketing

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